Registration (includes lunch) $10
Registration- Youth Workshop (includes lunch) FREE
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Keynote Speaker
Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, PhD.
Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, Ph.D., is a social scientist focused on developing innovative and impactful research on emerging social issues, especially those affecting girls and women. Her scholarship is grounded in theories and methods exploring relationship dynamics, the impact of trauma, and intervention development. She is an Associate Professor at the ASU of Social Work and the founder and director of the ASU Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research. In 2018, Dr. Roe-Sepowitz presented a TedX entitled Hidden in Plain Sight: Sex Trafficking Next Door at Perryville Prison. She leads numerous initiatives working with community partners including law enforcement, social service providers, and survivor support organizations in multiple states. Dr. Roe-Sepowitz is also the co-creator and Clinical Director of Phoenix Starfish Place, a HUD funded supportive permanent housing program for sex trafficking women and their children that opened in 2017. She is an appointed member of the Arizona Governor’s Human Trafficking Council and the City of Phoenix Human Trafficking Task Force. She is the Principal Investigator on a numerous state and federal grants and is the Principal Investigator on a five-year NSF Grant exploring illicit networks that facilitate human trafficking. Dr. Roe-Sepowitz has diverse research and service funding from contracts, foundation grants, and federal and state grants. Dr. Roe-Sepowitz was selected by the Arizona Department of Public Safety to open and operate the first Arizona Human Trafficking Hotline beginning in February 2023. Dr. Roe-Sepowitz is on the editorial board of the Journal of Human Trafficking and has 45 peer reviewed publications. Dr. Roe-Sepowitz was interviewed in the 2019 PBS Frontline documentary Sex Trafficking in America.
Workshop Title: Human Trafficking in Arizona
Workshop Description: This presentation will include information about the federal definition of sex trafficking, similarities and differences between interpersonal violence and sex trafficking, and red flags and vulnerabilities. Information about recruitment and grooming techniques of sex traffickers will also be described. A video and discussion about sex buyers and their role in sex trafficking will be included. Finally, information about how each attendee can support the anti-sex trafficking movement through their actions.
Lauryn Fjell
Lauryn Fjell, MSW, is a Domestic Violence Response Coordinator for the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, where she provides training and technical assistance to organizations and individuals who work with survivors of violence. Lauryn has worked in the anti-violence movement since 2020 and has previous experience working in several capacities at a domestic violence shelter in Phoenix.
Lauryn obtained her bachelor’s degree in behavioral health science from Grand Canyon University in 2020. During this program, Lauryn completed an internship at a local domestic violence shelter which led to her discovering her heart and passion for this work. Driven by a passion to make a difference in survivors’ lives, Lauryn returned to school where she obtained her Master’s in Social Work (MSW) from Arizona State University in May of 2024. This graduate program allowed Lauryn to gain experience working in crisis response and providing therapy services to grieving people. Lauryn is currently pursuing licensure as a social worker in Arizona.
Workshop Title: Dynamics and Impacts of Domestic Violence
Workshop Description: This workshop will provide attendees with an understanding of the definition of domestic violence, specific dynamics of abuse, the impact domestic violence has on victims, and tools for supporting survivors.
Rob Edwards
Rob Edwards, father of three, is passionate about protecting kids. For most of his 27-year career, he has prosecuted those who prey sexually on children. Now that his own brood is out of the nest, Rob spends his free time as a man mired in midlife crisis, climbing rocks and riding motorcycles.
Workshop Title: Spiders, Snakes, and Sexual Abuse: What Every Parent Needs to Know
Workshop Description: The terrifying truth: nearly one third of American girls, before they turn 18, will be sexually victimized. Informed, vigilant parenting has never been more important. Spiders, Snakes, and Sexual Abuse is full of critical information for parents, teachers, coaches, school counselors, and other responsible adults concerning the prevention of child sexual abuse and appropriate response, when child sexual abuse is suspected, so that effective investigation and prosecution can occur.
Lonna Stevens
Lonna Stevens (enrolled Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota and Tlingit) serves as a Tribal Victim Resource Specialist. Lonna most recently served as a training and technical assistance provider to the almost 60 OVC National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Microgrant grantees beginning in 2021on expanding and developing new victim service programming on tribal communities. Lonna also served on the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and TLPI tribal researcher team to develop tribal capacity for sovereign Indigenous research and evaluation. She was integral in developing the OVW Strengthening Tribal Response to End Violence Against Women, which provides training and technical assistance to tribes who were not receiving OVW funding (non-grantees). Her experience also includes roles as the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Tribal Liaison, working closely with tribal law enforcement in developing a tribal taskforce on sex trafficking, training Minnesota State Patrol, and drug investigators on sex trafficking, stalking, and violent crimes. Additionally, Lonna served as the Adverse Childhood Experiences coordinator at the Minnesota Department of Health. Lonna brings over thirty years’ experience in tribal, state, and federal policy creation and lobbying to end violence against Native women and children, building diverse coalitions of community and government leaders, and direct service with survivors including Minnesota State legislation on felonious strangulation, tribal protection orders, and stalking.
Workshop Title: Framework for Understanding Stalking Perpetration
Workshop Description: At least 1 out of 2 women and 1 out of 6 men experience stalking at some point in their lives, and due to underreporting we know these statistics to be much higher, especially in Indian Country. This presentation will focus on:
Understanding Stalking Patterns and Behaviors: Discuss common patters and behaviors exhibited by stalkers.
The importance of early identification and intervention of stalking and the correlation between stalking and other crimes, and the increased risk of lethality when stalking is present.
Examining the need for integrated responses and stalking Across Multi-Jurisdictions and challenges posed by stalking cases that cross jurisdictional boundaries.
Available protections and resources for stalking victims, including victim advocacy services.