Registration (includes lunch) $10

Registration- Youth Workshop (includes lunch) FREE

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What is symposium?

 Symposium is a full-day local training for local partner agencies who work with victims of crime and the community about topics that impact victims of crime. This event will be held in person. We have a keynote presenter in the morning, followed by 4 breakout workshops that will be about an hour and 15 minutes long. The breakout workshops are repeated twice that day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

We have tabling available for our presenters and local victim service partners. Booths remain in the lobby, as people have breaks they can visit the booths and are even offered a chance to win a prize for visiting all 10 booths. 

There will be a catered luncheon ceremony between the 2 workshops where we give awards and recognize members of our community who have done exceptional work for crime victims. To fill out a nomination form for these awards click on "Awards" tab. 

We also offer a youth workshop and PSA contest, tailored to address the unique challenges teens are facing. 

All workshops are AZPOST, CLE, and COJET certified.   

Remarks from Navajo County Attorney Brad Carlyon

The Navajo County Attorney’s Office is proud to present the 13th Annual Navajo County Attorney’s Office Victims’ Rights Symposium.


At this year’s symposium, we are going back to the basics. We’re bringing in experts to discuss topics related to some of the most common victim-related crimes: Child abuse. Domestic violence. Youth internet safety. Human trafficking. Stalking.


We are gathering participants who encounter crime victims in their daily lives: EMTs, law enforcement officers, forensic investigators, medical personnel, attorneys, court employees, educators, support service providers, and others. We invite students and members of Navajo County communities to attend the symposium to gain an understanding of the complex issues surrounding victims of crime, and how those issues are being addressed.


I especially invite young people and their parents to attend the Youth Internet Safety workshop – we are all well served by better understanding how to help our community’s children navigate the online universe.


I am proud of our Navajo County Victim Services team’s dedication to creating an informative and compelling symposium each year. I look forward to sharing in this year’s learning with all of you who attend.

Remarks from Navajo County Victim Services Manager Roxanne Pergeson

Welcome to our 13th Annual Victims' Rights Symposium. It's truly heartening to be able to offer this event to you each year.  We are committed to upholding the rights and dignity of those who have experienced the trauma of victimization.

In our society, where justice and fairness are fundamental pillars, the protection and empowerment of victims hold paramount importance. As you delve into the intricacies of victim's rights, embark on a journey to not only understand the legal frameworks and procedures but also to cultivate a deeper empathy and sensitivity towards those whose lives have been affected by crime.

Please remember that behind every statistic, every legal term, and every case file, there lies a human story—a story of pain, resilience, and hope. Each victim has faced unique challenges, and it's our collective responsibility to ensure that their voices are heard, their rights are respected, and their needs are met.

I hope that this experience provides you the opportunity to enhance our knowledge, refine our skills, and foster a culture of compassion within our professional spheres. Let's pledge to stand as advocates, allies, and champions for victims, amplifying their voices and facilitating their journey toward healing and justice.

I encourage all of us to approach this training with open hearts and minds, ready to learn, to engage, and to empower one another. Together, let's strive to create a more just and compassionate society where victims are not just recipients of legal protections, but active participants in the pursuit of truth and restoration.

Thank you for your commitment to this vital cause. Let's make today's training a stepping stone towards a brighter, more equitable future for all.

Keynote Speaker

Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, Ph.D.

"Human Trafficking in Arizona"

Workshop Presenters

Lauryn Fjell


Dynamics & Impacts of Domestic Violence

Rob Edwards

Navajo County Attorney's Office- Prosecutor

Spiders, Snakes, and Sexual Abuse: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Lonna Stevens

Tribal Victim Resource Specialist

Framework for Understanding Stalking Perpetration

Youth Workshop

"Protect Your Peace Online"

Presented by, Julio Saran


Raffle Tickets

We are also selling raffle tickets! 

We will be raffling off a Disney Vacation!

Tickets are $25 each and we will only be selling 300 tickets.

All raffle sales proceeds will benefit victims of crime in Navajo County. 


We will be selling tickets until we sell 300 or until May 31st, whichever comes first!

You can purchase raffle tickets on Eventbrite



The Navajo County Victims’ Rights Symposium is presented by the Navajo County Attorney’s Office and the Navajo County Victim Services Department. We are grateful to each of our generous sponsors. This training is made possible by the Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family STOP Grant Program:

"This project was supported by Subgrant No. 15J-OVW-21-GG-00553-STOP awarded by the state administering office for the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice's STOP Formula Grant Program. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the state or the U.S. Department of Justice."